Joseph G.S. Greenlee
Attorney at Law

Short Articles
The Danger of Gun-Control Speak. America's 1st Freedom. March 23, 2024.
Restoring the Founders' Right to Bear Arms. SCOTUSblog. June 29, 2022.
Text, History, and Tradition: A Workable Test that Stays True to the Constitution. Duke Center for Firearms Law. May 4, 2022.
10 Truths About the Basis of Our Second Amendment Freedom That, Too Often, Are Not Being Taught
(with George Mocsary). America's 1st Freedom. February 28, 2022.
Georgetown Law's actions against Ilya Shapiro lack credibility (with David Kopel). Reason. February 3, 2022.
9th Circuit Again Defies the Supreme Court in Duncan. Daily Journal. December 9, 2021.
The Coming Second Amendment Court Fights (with George Mocsary). America's 1st Freedom. March 30, 2021.
State Court Docket Watch: State of Ohio v. Weber. The Federalist Society. March 23, 2021.
‘Safe Storage’ Gun Laws Unnecessary and Unconstitutional. The Complete Colorado. January 8, 2020.
Commonwealth v. Hicks, 208 A.3d 916 (Pa. 2019). The Federalist Society. October 24, 2019.
Plenty of Red Flags in Colorado’s ‘Extreme Risk’ Protection Order Bill (with David Kopel). The Complete Colorado. February 19, 2019.
Gun Ban for Young Adults Would be Wholly Unconstitutional (with David Kopel). The Hill. March 13, 2018.
Congress Should Use Constitutional Power to Force States to Honor Gun Rights (with David Kopel). The Hill. December 31, 2017.
What If There Were Serious Gun Controls? (with David Kopel). The Hill. November 8, 2017.
We Need Judges Who Stand For Gun Rights (with David Kopel). America's 1st Freedom. September 28, 2017.
The Racist Origin of Gun Control Laws (with David Kopel). The Hill. August 22, 2017.
D.C. Circuit Strikes Down “Good-Reason” Requirement for Handgun Carry Licenses. The Federalist Society. July 26, 2017.
Federal Court Enjoins California Large-Capacity Magazine Confiscation (with David Kopel). Washington Post. June 30, 2017.
Want to Stop Mass Shootings? Let’s Get More Guns in the Right Hands (with David Kopel). The Hill. June 18, 2017.
Bauer v. Becerra. The Federalist Society. June 6, 2017.
2017 is Shaping Up to be Another Winning Year for Gun Owners (with David Kopel). The Hill. April 25, 2017.
Anti-Gunners are Savaging Gorsuch for Vindicating an Innocent Man (with David Kopel). The Hill. March 7, 2017.
Fourth Circuit Misinterprets Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Precedent. The Federalist Society. February 27, 2017.
Silvester v. Harris: Watered-Down Intermediate Scrutiny. The Federalist Society. December 20, 2016.
Marijuana Use and Firearm Ownership. The Federalist Society. November 30, 2016.
Sixth Circuit: Formerly Mentally Ill Persons May Regain Second Amendment Rights. The Federalist Society. November 2, 2016.
There is No Gun Show Loophole. There is No Online Loophole. The Washington Times. October 2016.
Murphy v. Guerrero. The Federalist Society. October 11, 2016.
BOOK REVIEW: ‘The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies’ The Washington Times. August 29, 2016.
Peruta, Flanagan, and the Right to Bear Arms in the Ninth Circuit. The Federalist Society. August 29, 2016.
Keyes v. Lynch: A successful as-applied challenge to the federal firearms ban for the mentally ill. The Federalist Society. July 21, 2016.
Peruta v. County of San Diego: Was Concealed Carry Ruling Correct? Daily Journal. June 23, 2016.
Author Response: Interpreting Peruta v. County of San Diego. The Federalist Society. June 17, 2016.
Interpreting Peruta v. County of San Diego. The Federalist Society. June 14, 2016.
How Your Smart Gun May be Used to Compel You to Incriminate Yourself. The Federalist Society. May 31, 2016.
The Truth About PLCAA. The Federalist Society. April 27, 2016.
"Docs vs. Glocks" and the Firearm Owners' Privacy Act. The Federalist Society. April 5, 2016.
Massachusetts Stun Gun Laws at SCOTUS. The Federalist Society. March 23, 2016.
The Second Amendment and the Post-Scalia Court. The Federalist Society. February 24, 2016.
No Fly, No Buy (And No Due Process). The Federalist Society. February 17, 2016.
Gun-Free Zones: What Are They Good For? Conservative Review. February 11, 2016.
Recent Court Decision A Big Victory for the Second Amendment. Conservative Review. February 8, 2016.
FBI Announces Change in Background Checks. Conservative Review. February 2, 2016.
Obama Gun Regulations Headed to Court. Conservative Review. January 24, 2016.
The Thin Legal Backbone Behind President Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns. Conservative Review. January 8, 2016.